Ramadan Wallpapers

Ramadan is month whose beginning is mercy,whose middle is forgiveness,and whose end is freedom from the fire.Fasting for a fixed number of days;but if any of you is ill,or on a journay ,the prescribed number should be made up from days later.For those who can do it with hardship,is a ransom,the feeling of one that is indigent,But he that will give more,of his own free will,it is better for him.And it is better for you that ye fast ,if ye only knew.In the month of ramadan:The instinctual soul of everyone,from the richest to the poorest,may understand that it does not own its self,but is totally owned;that it is not free,but is a slave.It understands that if it receives no command,it is unable to do the simplest and easiest thing,it can not even stretch out its hand towards water.Its imagnery dominicality is therefore shattered ;its performs its worships and begins to offer thanks ,its ture duty.
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